Returning to School in a COVID-19 Era

We hope this update finds you in good health with access to your loved ones. In these challenging times, we at Project Wezesha want you to know that we are working to ensure that the educational needs and well-being of our students are being met. We have been on a brief pause as schools closed, but things are changing this month, which we highlight in this report.

Schools in Tanzania were closed when the very first case of COVID-19 was detected in Tanzania. All large gatherings were banned – weddings, funerals, sporting events, concerts, etc. We were initially quite impressed by Tanzania’s swift response, however, things took a surprising turn when President Magafuli began to deny the severity of the situation and urged citizens to go to their mosques and churches to “pray away” the virus, putting thousands in harm’s way. He opened the country to international flights in May and on June 1st, he returned all students to universities and high schools.

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