Seeking “Funding Families” to Support Students

Young man in Tanzania teaches students

Summer is winding down, and in the U.S., students are heading back to school! In Tanzania, our students will also be returning to their university programs in the coming months. With this return to school, Project Wezesha faces a new batch of tuition bills. We’d love your continued support – a contribution toward the continuing education of the young men in our program: 2nd year university students: Lameck, Yohanna and Elias; 3rd year university students: Hamisi & Mayani; and, 4th year university student: Simoni. The average cost for one year of university for these young men is $1680 each. 

We would love to find sponsors for these young men to ensure their costs are covered completely. One idea we’d like to present is “funding families” – small groups of friends, family, neighbors, or colleagues who collectively commit to raising $1600 to cover the costs of one student. If you’d like to create a “funding family” and sponsor one student, email us and we’ll help you get the information you need to share with your community and raise the money. We can provide images, stories, reports, and more about the young man you’ll be supporting. Email us today to get started:

We can assure you that there will be a profound impact from your investment. We have only seen positive outcomes since we began our scholarship program in 2009. Here are some inspirational updates we received this month from some current and former students: Lameck, Sospeter, and Dibeit. Continue reading “Seeking “Funding Families” to Support Students”

George Pursues BA in Environmental Disaster Management

George began university in Fall 2019. He is pursuing a degree in Environmental Disaster Management at the University of Dodoma in the country’s capital city. 

We met George when he was a standard 7 student at Bitale Primary School. He and his classmate Ezra were among the top students of his class. They were selected for our scholarship program on the day this picture was taken. 

George excelled in secondary school. He did particularly well in his science classes. Thanks to the support of our academic study camps, he also performed well in his two years of high school (Form 5 & 6). We were thrilled when George was accepted to university and chose to focus on the sciences with emphasis in environmental disasters.

This past year, he was able to complete several field placements. He and his classmates visited work sites that reflect the type of important work they’ll do as a young professionals in the field. He learned about the functionality of gear and equipment. In the video below, his instructor is teaching the group about the importance of fitting the gear appropriately to ensure safety – with George as the student being fitted. Continue reading “George Pursues BA in Environmental Disaster Management”

College Graduates – May 2020

Tumsifu, Saidi and Dibeit are in their third and final year of

Dibeit and Saidi – years ago at Saidi’s home in Kigoma.

University! They are all doing very well and are enthusiastic about their upcoming graduation and the opportunity to start work as young professional men. Tumsifu and Dibeit will be practicing medicine with a focus on maternal and child health. Saidi will be aiming for a career in banking with his degree in Economics. Continue reading “College Graduates – May 2020”